Monday 20 September 2010



  1. I made this for the victims,for the office workers for the international visitors and for those brave men who went in when all others were trying to get out,.....heros all

  2. I think that everyone will remember where they were when they heard that it was happening!
    A great memorial, Ron!
    Holly from Flickr

  3. Thank you, Ron, for putting this moving piece together... I certainly wont forget and a wonderful memorial to those who perished and tribute to those who worked so diligently to save those who remained..

    Cindy Mc From Flickr

  4. Ron,
    This is so full of emotion. It is a wonderful memorial tribute.
    hugs, Chris

  5. Thank you so much for posting this, Ron. It bring back the tears I shed that day. And knowing fire fighter from NYFD who was injured that day and is still dealing with the pain makes it even more emotional.

    Nancy from Flickr

  6. My friend, I am crying as I type this. We tend to forget that not only Americans died on the tragic day. We need to remember ALL who were murdered on 9-11. Thank you for pointing that out.

    Ralph (AirborneRangerVI)from Flickr
